Have you ever imagined what prostitutes would look like in the winter season? Based on the fact that it must be hard to look slutty while you also have to fight coldness, so it's assumed that they would put on their sexy lingerie outside their warm fur coat and jackets.
Is this for real? Well, at least that's what Vice explained.
Chloe wears jacket and trousers by Burton, corset and boots by Agent Provocateur, Suki wears ski suit by Burton, corset by What Katie Did and boots by Office.
Suki wears jacket by Burton, corset by Agent Provocateur and trousers by Hummel. Chloe wears jacket by Hummel, corset by What Katie Did and trousers by Burton.
Suki wears jacket by Hummel and corset by What Katie Did.
Chloe wears jacket and trousers by Hummel, corset by Agent Provocateur, and boots by Office.
Chloe wears corset and boots by Agent Provocateur, trousers by Burton. Suki wears body by Agent Provocateur, ski suit by Burton and boots by Office.
* goldbydefault *