Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Conratulations Brandejs, now you are officially famous!

This afternoon my bos showed me an interesting website. We both couldn't believe our eyes of what we saw in the web. There this baby-like creature, peacefully sleeping inside its packaging. It's breathing, at least that was the web said. It is attached to a life support which keeps him (or it) alive while the packaging kept in sealed. Scary?

Introducing the controversial GENPETS - Patented BIOTECH. Made out of flesh, created from mixtures of many different pets' genes, and they are sold for kids companions. What kind of parents would be so crazy spending money for only risking their kids to be accompanied by those creatures!? But hey, maybe there is. Look at that poor little things. They were hung on the shelf waiting to get adopted... what's more sad than that? I guess if i also were there, I definitely could never get outta store without buying one. sigh...

If you are interested to buy one of these, don't forget to match it to your preference. It has variants based on its color coding (the colors differentiate whether they're imaginative & spiritual, fun & playful, communicative & serene, etc etc) or you can chose based on its life span (it comes in two opts; able to live for 3 years or 1 year only). It is also perfect for any of you who wants to have kids but still has doubts. You could just buy one of these GENPET and try to handle them. If you can't manage, they will die anyway. Hahaha... (deep down I'm crying)

But first, let us thank (or curse) to Adam Brandejs for amusing us with his crazy invention. Before his attemp gone famous as it is now, the Canadian bastard had invented flesh shoes and animatronics hearts. Brandejs, you are totally gedious*!

Now, guys.. why don't you go visit yourself now.

*Genius + Hideous

* goldbydefault *



a 28yo. dark skin, dark hair, dark eyes who enjoys being on the run, standing on a line, sleep in insecure positions, wearing and living not so safe decisions.