Beautiful Monkey
I loooove this guy Markus (who known as The rainbowmonkey) so much for knowing what he can do with basic, simple or even silly little things to later on turn them into something meaningful.
Take a look at one of his works here. The project was done for adidas / Diesel and it is one of my fave beside the Cartoon Particles.
The works that consisted three pieces of work (2 photographs, 1 customised jeans, 1 movie-clip)had been sent to be contributed in an exhibition for the openings of adidas originals stores in Bejing and Shanghai. Theme was "How to waste your time" and it was all about the celebration of the new adidas / Diesel denim collection.
from Markus Hofko on Vimeo.
Client:adidas China
Project:adidas / Diesel Jeans